Node:Keywords, Next:, Up:Configuration


The configuration file consists of keywords with an argument, separated with a space. There are three types of arguments: strings, booleans and integers. Strings must be enclosed in quotes if they contains spaces. Boolean arguments can be written as 0/1, true/false or on/off. The keywords are case insensitive.

These are the supported keywords:

type: string

This is the password used for anonymous logins. It should be your email address.

type: boolean

Setting this to true will cause yafc to attempt to login automatically. Information for doing this is specified by See Bookmarks.

type: boolean

If this option is true, yafc will try to reconnect the currently open connection if it has timed out. The directory cache is retained after a successful reconnect.

type: boolean

Quits yafc on end-of-file (usually Ctrl-D).

type: boolean

Read additional autologin entries from ~/.netrc. Bookmarks.

type: boolean

If true, use passive mode data connections. You might have to do this if you are behind a proxy.

type: boolean

If this option is true, IP addresses will be reverse looked up in the DNS for a hostname, which can be slow. Set to false to skip this.

type: boolean

If this option is true, filenames will be completed with ... while waiting for the directory listing to be downloaded.

type: integer

Time (in seconds) before a cached directory times out and needs to be reread. Set to 0 (zero) to disable the timeout.

type: boolean

Show all replies received from remote host.

type: boolean

Show exactly what is going on. Prints all FTP commands sent to remote host and all replies received, including response code.

type: string

Create trace files in ~/.yafc/trace/trace.<pid>.

type: string

Path to local ssh program which will be used in SSH2 connections. Note that only SSH version 2 is supported.

type: string

Path to remote sftp-server program. Leave commented to use the sftp subsystem. See also open.

type: boolean

Set to true to skip query of remote system on connect.

type: boolean

Alter the environment strings to reflect what Yafc is doing. This information can be seen with the shell command ps.

type: boolean

Use tab to complete remote files. Yeahh.

type: yes/no/ask

If set to yes, Yafc automatically creates a bookmarks for the site when the connection is closed. Setting this to ask, makes Yafc to ask if to create the bookmark.

The bookmark is given an appropriate aliases name.

type: boolean

If set to yes, Yafc don't ask whether to save passwords in the bookmarks file. Anonymous password, though, are always saved.

Passwords in the bookmarks file are stored either as clear text or base64-encoded. Be sure the file is not world readable (chmod 0600 bookmarks.)

type: boolean

If set to true, Yafc won't say anything about automatically created bookmarks.

type: string

Specifies the default type used for file transfers, either binary or ascii. Setting this to ascii can mess up binary files (ascii mode rewrites the end-of-line characters).

type: string

This option specifies which security mechanisms to try, in given order. It is a colon-separated string, supported values are "krb4", "krb5" and "none". Example: default_mechanism "krb4:krb5"

type: string

Filenames matching any of these filemasks are always transferred in ascii mode, regardless of the value of the default_type keyword. This can be overridden with the --type option to get/put.

Masks are separated by colons (eg. *.ext1:*.ext2:filename*) and are case sensitive.

Preferrably used with default_type set to binary.

type: boolean

Beep after a long command is finished. Use long_command_time to specify how long a long command is.

type: integer

Number of seconds for command to become long

type: integer

How long (in seconds) before aborting a command without response.

type: integer

How long (in seconds) before aborting a connection without response.

type: integer

Number of times to try to re-connect if login failed (due to busy server.) Use the value -1 for unlimited number of tries, and 0 to disable this feature.

type: integer

Number of seconds to wait between connection attempts.

type: boolean

Save and load history lines in ~/.yafc/history. This is a no-op if not compiled with Readline.

type: integer

Max number of history lines to save in the history file. This is a no-op if not compiled with Readline.

type: string

Yafc will change to this (local) directory upon startup.

type: string

If set, Yafc sends mail to this address when nohup transfers are finished. Nohup transfers.

type: string

Complete path to sendmail used by nohup_mailaddress above.

type: string

This prompt is printed when no connection is established.

See Prompt codes.

You can put escape codes here, for example if you want a colored prompt "%{\e[01;31m%}ftp%{\e[0m%}" will be "ftp" in red, if your terminal supports ISO 6429 (ANSI) color codes. Colors.

type: string

connected but not logged in.

type: string

connected and logged in

type: string

This string is printed before the actual transfer begins.

These strings are printed with the --verbose option to get/put. Transfer codes for special character codes that can be used in this string to show dynamic information.

type: string

This string is printed (approx.) every second or so during the transfer with a trailing carriage return. Transfer codes for special character codes that can be used in this string to show dynamic information.

type: string

This string is printed when the transfer is finished. Transfer codes for special character codes that can be used in this string to show dynamic information.

type: string

This string is printed at the same time transfer_string is printed, if the current $TERM variable is defined in xterm_title_terms. This string can be used to reflect dynamic information about the current transfer in the title bar of an Xterm. Transfer codes for special character codes that can be used in this string to show dynamic information.

type: boolean

Display ~ instead of full home directory path for various commands.

type: string

Xterm window titles

same codes as for the prompts, see See Prompt codes.

This is an excerpt from the Xterm-title mini-HOWTO:

Many people find it useful to set the title of a terminal to reflect dynamic information, such as the name of the host the user is logged into, the current working directory, etc.

This may be done by using XTerm escape sequences. The following sequences are useful in this respect:

Set icon name and window title to _string_
Set icon name to _string_
Set window title to _string_

where ESC is the _escape_ character (\033), and BEL is the _bell_ character (\007).

_Note_: these sequences apply to most xterm derivatives, such as nxterm, color-xterm and rxvt. Other terminal types often use different escapes; see the appendix for examples. For the full list of xterm escape sequences see the file ctlseq2.txt, which comes with the xterm distribution, or xterm.seq, which comes with the rxvt distribution.

These escapes really need to be applied every time the prompt changes. This way the string is updated with every command you issue and can keep track of information such as current working directory, username, hostname, etc.

Example: xterm_title1 "\e]0;Yafc\x07" sets the xterm window title and icon name to Yafc.

type: string

Example: xterm_title1 "\e]0:Yafc - %h\x07" sets the xterm window title and icon name to Yafc - hostname.

type: string

Example: xterm_title1 "\e]0;Yafc - %u@%h:%~\x07" sets the xterm window title and icon name to Yafc - user@hostname:directory.

type: string

List of $TERM's, separated with spaces, which can handle xterm escape sequences.